Become Android Developer – A Complete Roadmap

Android is an open-source operating system that runs on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets and is based on the Linux kernel. It was also created for Android TV and smartwatches. They all have unique user interfaces. One of the most popular operating systems for cellphones is Android. Android Inc., which Google acquired in 2005, created the Android operating system. Numerous apps, including games, music players, cameras, and others are created specifically for these cellphones to run on Android. There are almost 3.3 million apps available on Google Play Store. Today, Android continues to rule the world. Comparatively, 15% of the world’s population chooses iOS, whereas 75% prefer Android. It is an operating system with a sizable app market.

Everyone is aware of how popular Android has become in recent years. Now, the issues of Why Android (Decide the Goal First?) and How to Start emerge. Where do I begin? What subjects ought to be covered? and etc. Do you need to read a book to learn every topic, should you use online tutorials, or should you learn Android through working on projects with it? We will thus go into detail about each of these topics in this essay.

Android: Why? (Set the Objective First?)

Therefore, one should have a specific purpose in mind as to why they want to study Android before diving into the whole Roadmap of Android. Is it for your academic projects in college? or is it for the sake of your long-term career? Or do you wish to create your own apps to launch your company? Create a goal that is clear first. What motivates you to learn Android? For instance, learning the fundamentals of Android is sufficient if you want to use it for academic assignments in college. Similar to this, you should learn professional or advanced stuff if you want to develop a long-term career. Therefore, the choice as to whether or not to learn Android is yours.

How do I understand Android?

Java or Kotlin and XML are the two languages used for Android programming (Extension Markup Language). As a front-end, the XML file handles design, presentation, layouts, blueprints, etc., whereas the JAVA or KOTLIN file handles button functionality, variables, storage, etc (as a back-end). The hardest decision for a new Android user to make is between Java and Kotlin; which should they choose? So let me first try to sort out the confusion.

Kotlin or Java?

The most popular language for developing Android apps is Kotlin, which Google has designated as the official language. Kotlin is the most supported language by Google and is used in the development of many apps found in the Play Store. Kotlin is more quick and simple than Java. Many new features and libraries that are not present in Java are also included in Kotlin.

Android employs Java as its native language, as do the software programmes that help the operating system and the hardware that directly uses Java. This language supports practically every system type, including Android, Windows, and Linux, and enables for the building of any software. Java was created by Sun Microsystems, which is now owned by Oracle, and Microservices can be used with Java.

Java can be substituted for Kotlin, a cross-platform programming language, while creating Android apps. Google has also designated it as a “official” language. The only significant distinction is that Kotlin does away with a Java feature like null pointer exceptions. Additionally, it does away with the semicolon at the end of each line. In summary, Kotlin is significantly easier for beginners to learn than Java, and the majority of developers are already switching from Java to Kotlin for the development of Android apps.

A Plan for Learning

Start with the Android Overview. Read some blogs on Android and do some Android-related research. For instance, read blogs on themes like Why Kotlin will replace Java for Android App Development, the History of Android, the Different Versions of Android, etc. to get a thorough mental picture before beginning your Android journey. Motivate yourself to learn Android and create some fantastic Android projects. Practice it frequently and begin to learn new Android concepts one at a time. It will be in your best interest to attend some conferences or workshops on Android before you set out on your adventure. Set a clear goal for yourself and work toward it.

First, programming

This action could be seen as a requirement. Before learning Android, become familiar with these programming languages.

Programming Language Java
good understanding of XML and the Kotlin programming language (Extensible Markup Language)
Android Studio 2.

Knowing your tools before using them is preferable. The IntelliJ IDEA software from JetBrains was used to create Android Studio, which is the official Integrated Development Environment for Google’s Android operating system.

Build.gradle (Module: app) file, AndroidManifest.xml file, Java file, Drawable file, Layout file, mipmap file, colors.xml, strings.xml, and styles.xml files
Samsung Studio Overview:
Make a new undertaking.
Restart, end, or save the project
Make new classes, activities, and drawable resource files.
Run the application on an actual device, an AVD emulator, etc.
3) Android Parts

An Android application is made up of a few essential building pieces. The application manifest file, which includes a description of each component and how they work together, binds these loosely connected components together.

Activity: Life cycle of an activity
Manage alterations in activity state
Types of Android Services: Understanding Tasks and Back Stack Processes and Application Lifecycle Services
The Android Service Life Cycle
content creator
Operations involving the Content URI in the Content Provider
A Content Provider’s Creation
Implicit broadcast exceptions for the broadcast receiver

  1. Easy UI Design

Once you have a general understanding of the various Android components, you can explore some of the straightforward UI designs that are provided below.

Examine several layouts:
View Components:
Filter for Implicit Explicit Intent in ImageView
5) Difficult UI Design

When you are comfortable with simple UI design, you should only go on to sophisticated UI design tasks like:

Toast Bottom Sheets in Dialogs
Tabs in the navigation drawer
Some adding animations using the material design
6) Keeping

There are three different types of storage systems in Android:

Identified Preferences
File System RoomDB 7) Construct

8) Threading in the Gradle Debug/ Release Configuration

Looper Threads 9) Debugging

Debugging abilities are among a developer’s most crucial skills. In order to develop, the following must be learned:

Handling Exceptions and Errors
Memory Leaks 10) Memory Profiling

What causes memory leaks?
Finding and repairing memory leaks
Third-Party Libraries (Context 11)

Libraries for Image Loading
Dragger Networking Retrofit Multithreading Coroutines Dragger Picasso Fresco COIL Dependency Injection Rxjava 12) Android Jetpack

According to the company’s website, Android Jetpack is a collection of architectural guidelines, tools, and libraries that make it quick and simple to create top-notch Android apps. So that you may concentrate on what makes your app distinctive, it provides common infrastructure code.

Components of the AppCompat library’s architecture, animation, and transitions
Slices for Android Ktx Navigation
WorkManager 13) Android Design

The three most well-known architectural styles for Android are:

MVVM (Model–View–ViewModel) (Model–View–ViewModel)
MVI (Model-View-Intent) (Model-View-Intent)
Firebase 14) MVP (Model View Presenter

Analytics for FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) Remote configuration for apps 15) Unit testing

Security Local Unit Testing Instrumentation Testing 16

Release of the Encrypt/Decrypt Proguard 17) App

APK Play Store signed